Yum how to check for installed packages

run : yum list installed

Further if you read the yum.conf man page:

  1. Red: ‘bold,red’:
    • packages in list/info installed which has no available package with the same name and arch.
  2. Yellow: ‘bold,yellow’:
    • packages in list/info installed which are newer than the latest available package with the same name and arch.
  3. Blue: ‘bold,blue’:
    • packages in list/info available which is an upgrade for the latest installed package with the same name and arch.
  4. Cyan: ‘dim,cyan’:
    • packages in list/info available which is a downgrade for the latest installed package with the same name and arch.
  5. White: ‘bold’:
    • packages in list/info installed which are older than the latest available package with the same name and arch.
  6. White and underlined: ‘bold,underline’:
    • kernel packages in list/info installed which is the same version as the running kernel.

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