It is important to configure your Git username and email address, since every Git commit will use this information to identify you as the author.
On your shell, type the following command to add your username:
git config –global “YOUR_USERNAME”
Then verify that you have the correct username:
git config –global
To set your email address, type the following command:
git config –global “”
To verify that you entered your email correctly, type:
git config –global
You’ll need to do this only once, since you are using the –global option. It tells Git to always use this information for anything you do on that system. If you want to override this with a different username or email address for specific projects, you can run the command without the –global option when you’re in that project.
Check your information
To view the information that you entered, along with other global options, type:
git config –global –list
With the command below you can prompt username and password when you commit
git config –local credential.helper “”